Some Quotes

"I will not say I failed 1000 imes,I will say that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure.......... Thomas Edison" "Believing everybody is dangerous;Believing nobody is very dangerous.......Lincon" "If you start judging people you will be having no time to love them....MOTHER TERESA"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Magic With Right Foot

Hai Friendssssss.......................

YesterDay I have Read a Article Regarding the Brain.....I didnot Belived it First But After Trying this I was VeryMuch Surprised.......I am writing Some Small Notessssss Here........

This Will Confuse Your Mind and You will keep Trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foor,but,you can't.It is Pre-Programmed In Your Brain......

Please Try the Following steps it willl take only Secondsssssss

1.While Sitting or Standing,Lift Your Right foot off the Floor and make clockwise circles.

2.Now while doing this draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand.Your foot will change Direction.

After trying this Iam Sure that you will do it again and againnnnnnn.

Now Iam Searching for the Name of OrthopedicSurgeon who found this?Iam Sure I will write this soon in my blogssss